“Architecture: the People, Places, and Ideas Driving Contemporary Design”

Inspiring Dialogue on Design, 2012

In downtown Cleveland, abandoned steel plants and barge shipping slips sit on most of the lakefront real estate. Cleveland, however, also has abundant rivers that feed directly into Lake Erie, and their banks make for ideal water views. Dimit sited their Eleven River Townhomes on the Rocky River for this very reason, and their striking architecture doesn’t disappoint. “Each trip up and down between floors places a resident in direct contact with the river view at each stair landing, and this is a very dramatic experience” says Scott Dimit. The river view remains front and center even on the roof. “The rooftop terraces turned out to be some of our favorite spaces in the project. Because of the way the Rocky River bends around the Eleven River site, you feel almost as if you are on the deck of some huge ocean liner.”